Cute Sprout Pot -->

Wednesday 7 January 2015


Assalamualaikum and hello guys..good morning

gmbr ni mase ak duk bersuka ria ngn geng2 ak..

So as the title said imma gonna introduce myself in rojakk..yeahhh..rojak mean both in malay and english..ok..

First of all nama diberi Nur Ayiqin Bt Firdaus Marzuki. I was born n raised in Terengganu..yeay..ganu kite..rumah ak kat kg rhu rendang , marang..jemputlah dtg yee..ngehehe.. ak tak lahir di hospital.. ak lahir di klinik jee.. kat Klinik Ehsan..proud to be born in a clinic yo!

Tahun ni ak dah mencapai umur 19 dah.. tua dh ak sngka begitu cepat masa berlalu.. wallahwehh.. ak anak ke-3 daripada 8 org adik beradik.. ad sorang abg n sorang kakak..2 adik laki n slebihnye perempuan.. so to sum all my family group member semuanye 10 orang.. 3 org daripada kluarga ak lahir pada bulan disember..manakala 6 org dripada my family lahir pada bulan januari..part tragis nye disini ak sorang je lahir bulan march..

Ak seorang ckap banyak..tpi kalau dh kenal taulah camne..hehe.. ok..kalau part favourite2 ak plak i like red.. hooray to red!! ak suka masak.. cita2 ak nak jadi baker sbenarnye..huhu...sbb ape?? ak tk tau..ak rase enjoy bila ak masak.. kalau tk masak ak rase tk lengkap hidup ak.. tpi kalau kat sini ak tkleh masak..roomate ak bgi warning dh dulu..hakktuihh ak rase..nasib ak dpat roomate camtu..nak buat camne..

so ap lagi ekk?? ak pun dh tak tau nk ckap ape.. ok..makanan peveret ak plak ak suka nasi minyak masak merah..oh goshh..lebih2 lgi kalau mk ck ak yg masak..terbaik dri ladang ahh.. kuih tradisional buat masa sekarang ak suka kuih seri muka..yg ad beras pulut kat bawah n warna hijau kat atas tuu..
credited to

ak rasa sampai sini je kot..sebab ak dah kesuntukan masa..pas ni ad kolasss..byee~~

Tuesday 6 January 2015


hi and assalamualaikum to all..

how's ur day?? well, for me, got a little unlucky today..  ahh well, thats life..what is life if there's no up and down just gotta be patient and strive for the best..

as promise..imma gonna post a recipe that's widely use by our family.. idk if it suit ur taste but have a try.. it's worth trying
credited picture to


chopped tomato in tin
mixed herb / basil / dry parsley
pepper paste (lada boh) *optional
minced beef / chicken
1 egg


2 tsbp butter*
2-3 tbsp flour*
1 cup fresh milk*

*stir in a pot on a medium heat until it hit  the right consistency


1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Cook the lasagna noodles until they are soft. Do not put the noodles all at once because they may stick together.

2. Saute onion on a lightly oil pan over medium-heat until tender. Add in garlic and saute for 1 minute. Next, add in minced meat until it crumble or no longer pink in colour. Stir occasionally.

3. Mix in chopped tomato in tin and bring in to a boil. Add in mixed herb to taste.

4. Put one lasagna noodle in baking tray then layer it with the red sauce, white sauce, beaten egg, and mozarella cheese. Repeat steps until you got no more sauces to layer.

5. When done, bake for 40-30 minutes or until the cheese start to turn golden brown at 180c in a preheated oven.

credited picture to

okeyhh guys..thats all..its not hard at all to do it as long as you stay enjoying your cooking..thats all for today..bye bye~~

Sunday 4 January 2015


hi once again and assalamualaikum..hihi

ok..sbenarnye untuk post kali ni ak nk crite pasal cucur kawan ak yg diorng buat tpi tak jadi..tpi, bile ak search phone ak, gmbr yg kwan ak antar tu dah takde..humm..sah2 terdelete lah tu..tpi takpe..ak bnyk modal

ak nk post resepi2 mmg taklah sebab klau kat sini ak tk bawak buku resepi ak ak buat preview je..

nasi ayam madu...nyumm~~

cinnamon rolls..divine~

nasi ayam..kalau bab nasi ayam ni ak lebih suka ayam goreng madu..kalau lebih madu lagi best ^_^ ..gmbr tu ak ambik sbelum ak p matrik..terase nk makan nasi ak cari punye cari resepi..last2 mntk ngn mk ck ak je..suruh dia yg ajar..huhu..sedap~~tapi..otw ak nk buat sos perap untuk ayam tu ak 'ter'-rosakkan blender mak ak..haha.. tapi ak bagitau kat mak ak..ak buat senyap je..pastu mase ak balik cuti sem baru ni blender dh ditukar baru..ak tanyelah mk ak "aik..blender baru??'...dia pun jawablah "hor..blender lame tu rosok"..mase ni lah ak mengaku kat mak ak yg blender lama tu ak yg rosakkan otw nak buat perapan aym..haha..tapi nasib baik mk ak tak marah ak..

crite cinnamon rolls pulak..uihh..sedap wehh..haha..mmg first time ak buat cinnamon rolls n first time gak ak makan.. mmg sedap..dia ad sos dia..sos aising tk silap ak..kita guna gula aising campur vanilla esen pastu ad satu lagi ingredient dia ak dah lupa dah..kne review balik..

haa..hak carrot cake ni ak dah selalu buat..ak ambik lah keje ak mase cuti SPM dulu.. ak ambik order buat kek n cupcake.. kalau kek ak buat red velvet n carrot cake..cupcake pulak chocolate, vanilla n satu lagi ak tk ingt..ak ad lah jugak buat eksperimen2 bagai..nasib bek jdi..haha.. kalau tkk hah mampus ko..makan sume!!hak ni ak buat saje2 nk makan..reason ak ltak dlm bekas sbb ak nk bawak bagi kat mk ck sepupu ak..

yg bawah ni pulak kek chocolate indulgence..wahh..yg mcm SR tuuu..haha..tpi tk lah serupa..ak buat jadi lah..tpi takde rupa..haha..loyang apparently terlalu besar..kek jadi nipis..hahahak ni ambik mase 2 hari nak siapkan sbb filling yg warne putih tu kne sejukkan dlm peti sejuk skurang2nye 1/2 hari..berpeluh habis ak buat ni..haha..ak suka buat keje sensorang..kadang tu ye lah..suka jugak kalau ad org nk tidak..adk2,kakak,abg,mk ayh ak p dapur "k.qin wk pendee??","mu wk nape","qin wak nape"..kalau ak malas nk jawab,ak jawab "hummm"..kalau ak saje nk gurau "wak ni ahh", "wak tu ahh"..haha..yg ni ak tk jawab kat mk ayh ak..giler nak pelempang lah tu..

indulgence cake.. ^_^

jangan pandang sebelah mata..

lastly.. pizza!!haha..nampak mengancam je pizza ka buat kat bawah ni kan..ak buat taruk double cheese ni..lepas ak letak sos tomato ats dh roti ak taruk keju..then selesai letak filling2 tu sume ak taruk lagi keju.. double lah tu.. kalau pizza biasanye ak just buat doh roti ikut resepi then ak campak je ap yg ak nak campak ats pizza tu..jadilah decent looking pizza..

kalau untuk resepi tu ak akan post satu2 lepas ni..hihi..but next entry mungkin esok kot ak post sbb deadline 5 entry ak 7/1 ni..dah kesuntukan entry ak akan post resepi lasagna..yeayy..but without picture sbb ak tk sempat nak buat haritu..ak dah beli brg lain tapi brg yg paling penting ak lupa nk beli..aduii..bengongs betull..ak lupa nak beli minced meat.. 

sampai sini saja untuk harini ak nak p layan movie ak pulak..bye~~assalamualaikum

Wednesday 31 December 2014


assalamualaikum dan haii..

harini ak rase rajin nak post memalam (malam ke??dah pukul 2.3- a.m ni) buta ni..well,mostly bcause of ak punye assignment..kalau tak mmg tak jalan lahh,,

ok..hari ni ak nak citer skit cerita ak dalam journey ak makan makanan hebat di seluruh negara ni..(not that ak dah pegi sume negeri dlm malaysia ni)

ak pernah duk kat kedah selama 3 minggu tak silap ak lah lepas dapat result SPM tuhh.. almaklumlah ak tak dpt masuk u lagi mase tu..ak pegi kat KOLEJ MARA KULIM..ak duk situ seminggu pertama ok lah sbb mase tu mnggu orientasi lgi..masuk akhir mnggu kedua n mnggu ketiga ak mula homesick.. demam,pening n sakit kepala tu sume..sume simptom homesick tu sume ad lah..

hampir tiap hari gak ak ak suruh mak ak call.. bukan hampir, mmg stiap hari..satu hari 15 minit otc..pling lame pun ak rse 1/2 jam je..(sbb ak mmg tk ckap bnyk , so perbualan kitorang skejap je lah)

ok apesal ni dah melencong ke tempat lain pulak..entah ke mana nasi goreng ak pergi..untk tknk bgi cite ak tergantung ak pendekkan jelah..ak berenti KMKU,ajat nk p unitar ambik kulinari then dpt upm  ak p upm kat sarawok..hah hambik ko lagi jauh dri kedah..abis cite..ok tutup citer ni..kite cari nasi goreng ak yg hilang tu pulak

ok..nasi tu ak dah jumpa dah..nasi goreng ni asal nye resepi mak cik ak punye..ak suke sume masakan yg mk ck ak ni masak..sedap tak terkata..nasi goreng dia pun punye lah sedap..dia selalu kate dia buat nasi goreng bodo-bodo je..ak pun selalu kate bodo-bodo pun sedap ak pun dgn tidak malunye mntak lah resepi..ak mmg jdi tk malu kalau bab-bab yg mellibatkan makanan ni..huehue..tpi ni resepi versi ak punye..jgn cube..kalau nak cube boleh je..ak sekadar nk share je..



1 ulas bawang besar(hiris atau mayam..ak tk tau nak beza 2 tu..ak potong je ikot suke ak..ak rase cntik camtu ak potong camtu)
2 ulas bawang putih (ketuk)
2 sudu besaq sos tiram
1 biji telur
3 mngkuk nasi
mnyk masak
1 sudu kecil maggi cukup rasa (kalau takde letak je tumix ke hape ke asal kan ad rase)
sayur (nak letak bnyk mane ikot suke)
ayam,fish cake,bebola n mane2 korang suke (hak ni pun same lah bnyk mane ikot suke)


  1. panaskan minyak dalam kuali..pastu masukkan bawang putih..n then masukkan bawang besar.
  2. gaul sampai naik bau harum bawang tu (omg ak suka bau tu)
  3. seterusnya masukkan ayam (aym tu potong kecik2 yee)..
  4. n then masukkan telur..gaul skejap masukkan kan bebola n fish cake..
  5. masukkan nasi..gaul2..sterusnya masukkan sos tiram..
  6. korang rase lah ye..ikot citarasa..
  7. letak garam secukup rase..masukkan maggi cukup rasa tu..gaul2 smpai sume bahan tu sebati..
  8. last step campak sayur dalam kuali nasi goreng tu..(kita letak sayur last2 sbb tknk bgi sayur tu terlebih masak..nnti kurang nutrient dlm sayur tu)

jengjengjeng..cantik tk nasi ak..haha..hak ni lepas ak bertungkus lumus mmbuat kerja2 mengedit..

entah kenape nasi goreng putih ak tk berape nak putih..warne dia kuning or brownish camtu lah tk silap ak..tpi takpe..asalkan mkn sedap..sudah..oh then..yg hitam2 tu black pepper..ak suke garnish mknn ak dgn black pepper yg freshly grind..

ok..sampai sini saja bebelan ak pada harini..n ak nak ucapkan selamat tahun baru kat korang sume memandang harini dah masuk 1/1/2015.. moga tahun ni lebih baik dari tahun lepas..n happy birthday to my mom too..

Tuesday 23 December 2014


so, at last i made a blog..yeayy!!(hehhh..whatever)..i hope this blog wouldnt be like my previous blog..idk if i should call it a blog or what cause i just sign up for it and then i forgot about it..and when i say forgot, i just completely forgot like it never exists.

so, enough babbling nonsense already..this blog may be in two languange..malay and just depends on my mood either to write in english or this post..i feel null..btw what null means exactly??idk man..

this blog might be about cooking, recipes, and others involving FOOD..why?? cause I LOVE is my life..and i like to cook bake serve and eat..

this isnt mine..just copy it from somewhere..this is what we call the german chocolate cake..mengancam je rupa nye

second, might be about skincare..and again why?? because i believe i have used a lot of products..well i just dont stick to one product.. if i ever think "wow, that products looks interesting," "then it'll be added up to my waiting list.. yeah.. waiting list of course cause i need to finish the current products first..i mostly favors korean products..

hah..sape pengguna maxis tu..haha..i just copy paste ok..

and lastly i might post anything lah in here..whatever i wanna post..
ok..sampai disini sajalah post kite hari ni..encik awangku kate perlu minimum 5 post in a month before sending the blog's link to, 4 more to go..
until then..bye~~